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Food Processing & Services Equipment
Food Processing & Services Equipment

Untuk industri pengolahan udang, ikan, ayam, daging, jelly, dan lain lain.

Cooling, Heating and Drying System
Cooling, Heating and Drying System

Diperuntukan bagi industri yang membutuhkan Oven/Furnaces/Cooking, Dryer, Cooling system, dsb

Food Service & Kitchen Equipment
Food Service & Kitchen Equipment

Diperuntukan untuk Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe, Bar, Canteen, Rumah sakit, peralatan yang kita bisa supply kepada anda antara lain : Pass box, Work table, rack, cabinet, trolley, sink table, under counter refrigerator & Up right refrigerator (Chiller/freezer), show case, Gas kwali range, gas Range With Oven, Gas Char broiler, Gas Salamander, Exhaust Hood, dsb

Conveyor System
Conveyor System

Diperuntukan untuk semua industri. adapun conveyor yang dapat kami buat meliputi : Belt Conveyor (PU, PVC, Rubber, etc), Modular Plastic belt, Wire mesh conveyor, Bucket Elevator, Pneumatic Conveyor, Accumulating Conveyor, Fixed drive conveyor, Gravity roller conveyor, Chain conveyor, Slat conveyor, Screw conveyor, free flow conveyor, magnet conveyor dan semus sistem conveyor.

Custom Fabrication
Crusher Breaded Machine

Pembuatan mesin tepung roti untuk industri makanan.

Custom Fabrication
Custom Fabrication

Untuk industri yang membutuhkan dan menggunakan Longpan, Tray, Crusher Breaded, Air Shower, Shoes Brush machine, dsb.

Linen & Trash Chutes
Linen & Trash Chutes

Dipergunakan untuk Hotel, Apartemen, Canteen, Rumah sakit, Condomunium, Mall, dan lain lain.

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